046438014ACIDUM MURIATICUM 5 CHPILLULES - 3.5 g multidose granules tube
    046438053ACIDUM MURIATICUM 5 CHPILLULES- 12 g multidose granules tube
    046438026ACIDUM MURIATICUM 9 CHPILLULES - 3.5 g multidose granules tube
    046438038ACIDUM MURIATICUM 15 CHPILLULES - 3.5 g multidose granules tube
    046438040ACIDUM MURIATICUM 30 CHPILLULES - 3.5 g multidose granules tube
    046438065ACIDUM MURIATICUM 30 CHPILLULES- 12 g multidose granules tube
    046438077ACIDUM MURIATICUM 200 CHPILLULES - 1 g single-dose granules tube
    046438089ACIDUM MURIATICUM M CHPILLULES - 1 g single-dose granules tube
    046438091ACIDUM MURIATICUM 10MKPILLULES - 1 g single-dose granules tube
  • Supplement based on Agaricus. Agaricus has a physiological action that enhances the body’s normal natural defences.

  • Alcabase


    Food supplement with bamboo, minerals and vitamins. The zinc contained in the product contributes to normal acid-base metabolism.

  • Supplement based on Auricolaria. Auricolaria helps maintain the body’s natural defences.

  • Supplement based on Cordyceps. Cordyceps helps maintain the body’s natural defences and upper respiratory tract functions. Acts also as a tonic and metabolic support.

  • 20.90


    acidum lipoicum 4 CH - acidum salicylicum 4 CH - arnica montana 4 CH
    cartilagine articolare 4 CH - coenzima - a 4 CH - embrione 4 CH - funicolo ombelicale 4 CH
    natrum oxalaceticum 4 CH - placenta 4 CH - rhus toxicodendron 4 CH
    sanguinaria canadensis 4 CH - solanum dulcamara 4 CH - sulfur 4 CH
    symphytum officinale 4 CH

    Cod: 800597078 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 16.90


    cimicifuga racemosa 4 CH - cimicifuga racemosa 10 CH - cimicifuga racemosa 30 CH
    cimicifuga racemosa 200 CH - gelsemium sempervirens 4 CH - gelsemium sempervirens 10 CH
    gelsemium sempervirens 30 CH - gelsemium sempervirens 200 CH - rhus toxicodendron 4 CH
    rhus toxicodendron 10 CH - rhus toxicodendron 30 CH - rhus toxicodendron 200 CH

    Cod: 800589513 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 16.90


    acidum cis aconitum 10 CH - apisinum 12 CH - aquilegia vulgaris 4 CH - bovista gigantea 6 CH
    hydrastis canadensis 4 CH - ipecacuanha 6 CH
    ipofisi totale 4 CH - kreosotum 8 CH - lachesis mutus 10 CH - lilium tigrinum 4 CH
    magnesia phosphorica 10 CH - mercurius solubilis hahnemanni 10 CH - ovarinum 4 CH
    placenta 4 CH - pulsatilla 18 CH - salpinx 4 CH - sepia officinalis 10 CH - utero 4 CH

    Cod: 800589552 - Drops

    Gocce idroalcoliche per mucosa orale.
    100 mL di soluzione contengono 1 mL di ciascuna delle sostanze omeopatiche nelle loro diluizioni.
    Eccipienti: etanolo 96%, acqua depurata (30% vol.). Pack size: Flacone da 50 mL
    Drops - warnings

    Consultare un medico se i sintomi persistono.
    Tenere fuori dalla portata e dalla vista dei bambini

    Cod: 881116331 - Vials

    Fiale, soluzione salina per mucosa orale.
    1 fiala da 2 mL contiene 0,02 mL di ciascuna delle sostanze omeopatiche nelle loro diluizioni.
    Eccipienti: sodio cloruro (0,9% p/v), acqua depurata. Pack size: 20 fiale da 2 mL
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • 16.90


    allium cepa 30 CH - euphrasia officinalis 6 CH - luffa operculata 6 CH
    parietaria officinalis 25 CH - polline di graminacee 25 CH - schoenocaulon officinale 6 CH

    Cod: 801069954 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 21.90


    calcarea carbonica ostrearum 10 CH - calcarea carbonica ostrearum 30 CH
    calcarea carbonica ostrearum 200 CH - graphites 10 CH
    graphites 30 CH - graphites 200 CH

    Cod: 048356024 - Vials

    Vials, physiological solution for oral mucosa.
    Every vial from 2 mL contains 0,02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: Physiological solution (0.9% NaCl). Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

    Cod: 048356012 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for the oral mucosa.
    50 mL of solution contains 0.5 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions. Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    This medicine contains 30 vol% ethanol (alcohol).
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Get medical attention if symptoms persist.
    Read the package leaflet before use.

  • 16.90


    hamamelis virginiana 4 CH - hamamelis virginiana 30 CH - hamamelis virginiana 200 CH
    silybum marianum 4 CH - silybum marianum 30 CH - silybum marianum 200 CH

    Cod: 049938018 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for the oral mucosa.
    50 mL of solution contains 0.5 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions. Pack size: 50 mL Bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    This medicine contains 30 vol% ethanol (alcohol).
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Get medical attention if symptoms persist.
    Read the package leaflet before use.

    Cod: 049938020 - Vials

    Saline solution for oral mucosa, Vials
    1 vial of 2 mL contains 0.02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride (0.9% w / v), purified water. Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • Supplement based on Hericium.

  • 21.90


    asa foetida 8 CH - kalmia latifolia 8 CH

    Cod: 049917014 - Vials

    Vials, physiological solution for oral mucosa.
    Every vial from 2 mL contains 0,02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: Physiological solution (0.9% NaCl) Pack size: 20 fiale da 2 mL
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.


  • 16.90


    arsenicum album 4 CH - carbo vegetabilis 10 CH - niccolum metallicum 10 CH
    phosphorus 6 CH - podophyllum peltatum 4 CH - quassia amara 4 CH - veronica virginica 4 CH

    Cod: 800589754 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 16.90


    aranea diadema 6 CH - calcarea phosphorica 12 CH - equisetum hiemale 4 CH
    ferrum iodatum 12 CH - fumaria officinalis 4 CH - gentiana lutea 4 CH
    geranium robertianum 4 CH - juglans regia 4 CH - myosotis arvensis 4 CH
    natrum sulfuricum 4 CH - pinus silvestris 4 CH - smilax aspera 4 CH - scrophularia nodosa 4 CH
    teucrium scorodonia 4 CH - thyroide 12 CH - veronica officinalis 4 CH

    Cod: 800589766 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

    Cod: 881116394 - Vials

    Saline solution for oral mucosa, Vials
    1 vial of 2 mL contains 0.02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride (0.9% w / v), purified water. Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

    Cod: 800469064 - Capsules

    Hard capsules. 60 x 160 mg capsules in blister pack.
    1 x 160 mg capsule contains each of the homeopathic substances in their dilution.
    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, sucrose.
    Vegetable capsule of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Pack size: 60 x 160 mg hard capsules in blister pack
    Capsules - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • Supplement based on Lipoic Acid and Vitamin C. Vitamin C contributes to the normal protection of cells from oxidative stress.

  • 16.90


    belladonna 10 CH - belladonna 30 CH - belladonna 200 CH - belladonna M CH
    calcarea carbonica ostrearum 10 CH - calcarea carbonica ostrearum 30 CH
    calcarea carbonica ostrearum 200 CH - chelidonium majus 10 CH
    chelidonium majus 30 CH - chelidonium majus 200 CH - china rubra 10 CH
    china rubra 30 CH - china rubra 200 CH - lycopodium clavatum 10 CH
    lycopodium clavatum 30 CH - lycopodium clavatum 200 CH - lycopodium clavatum M CH
    silybum marianum 10 CH - silybum marianum 30 CH - silybum marianum 200 CH
    taraxacum dens leonis 10 CH - taraxacum dens leonis 30 CH - taraxacum dens leonis 200 CH
    veratrum album 10 CH - veratrum album 30 CH - veratrum album 200 CH

    Cod: 800589830 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

    Cod: 800589828 - Vials

    Saline solution for oral mucosa, Vials
    1 vial of 2 mL contains 0.02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride (0.9% w / v), purified water. Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • 22.00


    diencefalo 200 CH - ipofisi totale 200 CH - lycopodium clavatum 200 CH
    sepia officinalis 200 CH - sulfur 200 CH

    Cod: 800591442 - Soluzione acquosa

    Soluzione acquosa.
    100 mL di soluzione contengono 1 mL di ciascuna delle sostanze omeopatiche nelle loro diluizioni.
    Eccipienti:acqua depurata, sodio metileparaidrossibenzoato.
    Pack size: 200 mL bottle
    Soluzione acquosa - warnings

    Non utilizzare il medicinale dopo la data di scadenza indicata.
    Il prodotto non richiede particolari condizioni di conservazione.
    Consultare un medico se i sintomi persistono.
    Tenere fuori dalla portata e dalla vista dei bambini
    La data di scadenza si riferisce al prodotto in confezionamento integro
    e correttamente conservato.

  • Supplement based on Maitake. Maitake enhances the body’s normal natural defences.

  • 21.90


    acidum molybdicum 6 DH - acidum silicicum 6 DH - antimonium muriaticum 7 DH
    argentum muriaticum 8 DH - aurum muriaticum 7 DH - baryta muriatica 5 DH
    cadmium muriaticum 7 DH - calcarea muriatica 5 DH - cerio cloruro 8 DH
    chromium muriaticum 6 DH - cobalto solfato 6 DH - coesium muriaticum 8 DH
    cuprum sulfuricum 6 DH - erbium metallicum 8 DH - ferrum sulfuricum 5 DH
    hydrargyri bichloridum corrosivus 7 DH - kalium bichromicum 8 DH
    kalium sulfuricum 4 DH - magnesia sulfurica 5 DH - manganum sulfuricum 5 DH
    niccolum muriaticum 6 DH - plumbum muriaticum 6 DH - rubidium muriaticum 8 DH
    stannum muriaticum 6 DH - strontium muriaticum 8 DH - tellurium metallicum 8 DH
    vanadium metallicum 8 DH - zincum muriaticum 6 DH - zirconium nitricum 8 DH

    Cod: 800591479 - Vials

    Saline solution for oral mucosa, Vials
    1 vial of 2 mL contains 0.02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride (1,55 w / v), purified water. Pack size: 10 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • 16.90


    crataegus oxyacantha 2 CH - crataegus oxyacantha 4 CH - crataegus oxyacantha 10 CH
    crataegus oxyacantha 30 CH - crataegus oxyacantha 200 CH - melilotus officinalis 4 CH
    melilotus officinalis 10 CH - melilotus officinalis 30 CH - melilotus officinalis 200 CH

    Cod: 800589867 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 16.90


    ailanthus glandulosa 4 CH - belladonna 4 CH - echinacea angustifolia 4 CH
    hepar sulfur 6 CH - lachesis mutus 12 CH - mercurius solubilis hahnemanni 6 CH
    phytolacca decandra 4 CH

    Cod: 800589879 - Capsules

    Hard capsules. 60 x 160 mg capsules in blister pack.
    1 x 160 mg capsule contains each of the homeopathic substances in their dilution.
    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, sucrose.
    Vegetable capsule of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Pack size: 60 x 160 mg hard capsules in blister pack
    Capsules - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 16.90


    cerium oxalicum 9 CH - cobaltum gluconicum 4 CH - cuprum sulfuricum 4 CH
    ferrum e.fumaratum 4 CH - manganum aceticum 4 CH - natrum molybdicum 4 CH
    nichel acetato 4 CH - phosphorus 4 CH - potassio aspartato 4 CH - rubidium muriaticum 4 CH
    sulfur 4 CH - zincum gluconicum 4 CH

    Cod: 049962018 - Capsules

    Granules in hard capsules. 60 capsules of 160 mg
    Each capsule contains 160 mg of granules which contain:
    each of the homeopathic substances / dilutions
    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, sucrose. Pack size: Blister of 60 capsules of 160 mg
    Capsules - warnings

    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    If your doctor has diagnosed an intolerance to some sugars, contact him before taking this medicine.
    5 g of sucrose and lactose correspond to the intake of 31 capsules.
    To be taken into consideration in people suffering from diabetes mellitus.
    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicine.

  • 16.90


    argentum nitricum 12 CH - carbo vegetabilis 10 CH - ceanothus americanus 6 CH - iodium 8 CH
    lachesis mutus 10 CH - lycopodium clavatum 6 CH - mercurius solubilis hahnemanni 8 CH
    momordica balsamina 6 CH - podophyllum peltatum 6 CH - veratrum album 4 CH

    Cod: 800589956 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 11.50


    acidum citricum 6 DH - acidum citricum 12 DH - acidum citricum 30 DH
    argentum nitricum 8 DH - argentum nitricum 12 DH
    eucalyptus 5 DH - eucalyptus 12 DH
    eucalyptus 30 DH - laringe 8 DH - laringe 12 DH - manganum aceticum 5 DH
    manganum aceticum 12 DH - phosphorus 6 DH - phosphorus 12 DH - phosphorus 30 DH
    propolis 6 DH - propolis 7 DH - propolis 12 DH - pulmonaria officinalis 6 DH
    pulmonaria officinalis 12 DH - pulmonaria officinalis 30 DH - solanum dulcamara 6 DH
    solanum dulcamara 12 DH - solanum dulcamara 30 DH - thymus serpyllum 6 DH
    thymus serpyllum 7 DH - thymus serpyllum 12 DH

    Cod: 800870267 - Spray

    Spray per mucosa orale.
    100 mL di soluzione contengono 1 mL di ciascuna delle sostanze omeopatiche nelle loro diluizioni.
    Eccipienti: sodio cloruro, acqua depurata,sodio metile paraidrossibenzoato Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Spray - warnings

    Consultare un medico se i sintomi persistono.
    Tenere fuori dalla portata e dalla vista dei bambini

  • Food Supplement with dry extracts of uncaria, lichen, shiitake and echinacea that help maintain the body's normal defenses. Alcohol-free and gluten-free formulation.

  • 16.90


    aconitum napellus 30 CH - arnica montana 30 CH - arnica montana 200 CH
    bellis perennis 30 CH - chamomilla vulgaris 30 CH - ipecacuanha 30 CH
    lycopodium clavatum 30 CH - nux vomica 30 CH - nux vomica 200 CH

    Cod: 881462220 - Capsules

    Hard capsules. 60 x 160 mg capsules in blister pack.
    1 x 160 mg capsule contains each of the homeopathic substances in their dilution.
    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, sucrose.
    Vegetable capsule of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Pack size: 60 x 160 mg hard capsules in blister pack
    Capsules - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 16.90


    bryonia 4 CH - bryonia 10 CH - bryonia 15 CH - bryonia 30 CH - bryonia 200 CH - bryonia M CH
    colocynthis 4 CH - colocynthis 10 CH - colocynthis 30 CH - colocynthis 200 CH
    lycopodium clavatum 4 CH - lycopodium clavatum 10 CH - lycopodium clavatum 30 CH
    lycopodium clavatum 200 CH - lycopodium clavatum M CH - nux vomica 4 CH
    nux vomica 10 CH - nux vomica 15 CH - nux vomica 30 CH - nux vomica 200 CH
    nux vomica M CH

    Cod: 800590022 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

    Cod: 881116293 - Vials

    Saline solution for oral mucosa, Vials
    1 vial of 2 mL contains 0.02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride (0.9% w / v), purified water. Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • 20.90


    Iiodargyrite 8 DH 0,14ml
    iodium 4 CH 0,16ml

    Cod: 047558010 - Vials

    Vials, glucose solution for oral mucosa.
    Each 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: glucose 5% Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not take iF allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    If your doctor has diagnosed you with an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking
    this medicine.

  • 20.90


    lepidolite 8 DH 0,14ml
    lithium gluconicum 4 CH 0,16ml

    Cod: 049959012 - Vials

    Vials, glucose solution for oral mucosa.
    Each 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: glucose 5% Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children. Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    If your doctor has diagnosed you with an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking
    this medicine.

  • 20.90


    manganum aceticum 3 CH 0,2ml
    pyrolusite 8 DH 0,16ml

    Cod: 048701015 - Vials

    Vials for oral mucosa, glucose solution.
    1x 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions
    Excipients: glucose (5% w / v), purified water. Pack size: 20 fiale da 2 mL
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    If your doctor has diagnosed you with an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking
    this medicine.

  • 20.90


    cobaltum gluconicum 3 CH 0,08ml
    erythrite 8 DH 0,1ml
    manganum aceticum 3 CH 0,1ml
    rhodonite 8 DH 0,08ml

    Cod: 049940012 - Vials

    Vials, glucose solution for oral mucosa.
    Each 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: glucose 5% Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    If your doctor has diagnosed you with an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking
    this medicine.

  • 20.90


    azzurite 8 DH 0,1ml
    cuprum gluconicum 3 CH 0,12ml
    manganum aceticum 3 CH 0,08ml
    pyrolusite 8 DH 0,12ml

    Cod: 049939010 - Vials

    Vials, glucose solution for oral mucosa.
    Each 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: glucose 5%
    Pack size: 20 fiale da 2 mL
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    If your doctor has diagnosed you with an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicine.

  • 20.90


    argent natif 8 DH 0,06ml
    aurum colloidale 6 CH 0,06ml
    azzurite 8 DH 0,06ml
    cuprum gluconicum 3 CH 0,06ml
    pyrit 8 DH 0,06ml

    Cod: 801290329 - Vials

    Vials for oral mucosa, glucose solution.
    1x 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions
    Excipients: glucose (5% w / v), purified water
    Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 20.90


    blende 8 DH 0,1ml
    cobaltum gluconicum 3 CH 0,04ml
    erythrite 8 DH 0,08ml
    niccolum gluconicum 3 CH 0,04ml
    zincum gluconicum 3 CH 0,06ml.

    Cod: 049961016 - Vials

    Vials, glucose solution for oral mucosa.
    Each 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: glucose 5% Pack size: 20 fiale da 2 mL
    Glucose vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    If your doctor has diagnosed you with an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking
    this medicine.

  • 20.90


    azzurite 8 DH 0,1ml
    blende 8 DH 0,08ml
    cuprum gluconicum 3 CH 0,08ml
    zincum gluconicum 3 CH 0,1ml

    Cod: 047556016 - Vials

    Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    If your doctor has diagnosed you with an intolerance to some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this medicine.

  • 20.90


    sodio tiosolfato 4 CH 0,18ml
    sulfur 8 DH 0,14ml

    Cod: 049941014 - Vials

    Vials, glucose solution for oral mucosa.
    Each 2 mL vial contains: each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: glucose 5% Pack size: 20 fiale da 2 mL
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 11.90


    cute 4 CH - deoxyribonucleic acid 4 CH - mercurius bi - iodatus 5 CH - placenta 4 CH
    ricinus communis 3 CH - rna 4 CH - tessuto connettivo 4 CH

    Cod: 800591529 - Cream

    Cream Cutaneous use
    100 g of cream contain: each of the homeopathic substances / dilutions 0.15 mL.
    Excipients: Purified water, Cetostearyl alcohol, Red grape seed oil,
    Ethylhexyl stearate, Glycerol, Cetyl alcohol, Polysorbate-60, Glyceryl stearate,
    Palmitoyl derivatives, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium dehydroacetate,
    Polyethylene glycol monostearate, Polyethylene glycol monostearyl ether,
    Ethyl parahydroxybenzoate, Methyl parahydroxybenzoate, Isobutyl
    parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, butyl
    parahydroxybenzoate, Butylhydroxytoluene. Pack size: 75 g Tube
    Cream - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 17.90


    allium sativum 5 DH - arctium lappa 6 DH - galium aparine 5 DH - galium verum 6 DH

    Cod: 881502660 - Vials

    Saline solution for oral mucosa, Vials
    1 vial of 2 mL contains 0.02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride (0.9% w / v), purified water.
    Pack size: 10 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • 14.00


    calendula officinalis 4 DH - collo uterino 7 DH - malva sylvestris 6 DH - mercurius bi - iodatus 7 CH
    mucosa vaginale 7 DH - propolis 6 DH

    Cod: 800590960 - Pessaries

    Pessaries for vaginal use
    1 x 3g pessary contains 0.03 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: gelatin, glycerol, purified water. Pack size: 18 x 3 g pessaries in blister pack
    Pessaries - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

    Cod: 800590972 - Pessaries

    Pessaries for vaginal use
    1 x 3g pessary contains 0.03 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: gelatin, glycerol, purified water. Pack size: 6 x 3 g pessaries in blister pack
    Pessaries - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 21.90


    achillea millefolium 8 DH - aconitum napellus 8 DH - arnica montana 8 DH - belladonna 8 DH
    bellis perennis 8 DH - calendula officinalis 8 DH - chamomilla vulgaris 8 DH
    echinacea angustifolia 8 DH - echinacea purpurea 8 DH - hamamelis virginiana 8 DH
    hepar sulfur 8 DH - hypericum perforatum 8 DH - mercurius solubilis hahnemanni 8 DH
    symphytum officinale 8 DH

    Cod: 800590984 - Cream

    Cream. Cutaneous use
    100 g of cream contain: each of the homeopathic substances / dilutions 0.15 mL.
    Excipients: Purified water, Cetostearyl alcohol, Red grape seed oil,
    Ethylhexyl stearate, Glycerol, Cetyl alcohol, Polysorbate-60, Glyceryl stearate,
    Palmitoyl derivatives, Phenoxyethanol, Sodium dehydroacetate,
    Polyethylene glycol monostearate, Polyethylene glycol monostearyl ether,
    Ethyl parahydroxybenzoate, Methyl parahydroxybenzoate, Isobutyl
    parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, butyl
    parahydroxybenzoate, Butylhydroxytoluene.
    Pack size: 75 g tube
    Cream - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 16.90


    acidum alfachetoglutaricum 8 CH - acidum cis aconitum 8 CH - acidum citricum 8 CH
    acidum fumaricum 8 CH - acidum lipoicum 6 CH - acidum malicum 8 CH
    acidum succinicum 8 CH - adenosine triphosphate 4 CH - cerium oxalicum 8 CH
    coenzima - a 4 CH - cysteinum 6 CH - hepar sulfur 10 CH - magnesia orotata 6 CH
    nad beta 4 CH - natrum oxalaceticum 10 CH - natrum piruvicum 8 CH
    pulsatilla 7 CH - sulfur 10 CH - vitamina b1 4 CH - vitamina b6 4 CH
    vitamina c 4 CH - vitamina pp 4 CH

    Cod: 800590073 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

    Cod: 881116418 - Vials

    Saline solution for oral mucosa, Vials
    1 vial of 2 mL contains 0.02 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride (0.9% w / v), purified water. Pack size: 20 x 2 mL vials
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the ingredients in this medication.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken, or are likely to take any other medicines.
    If you experience any undesirable effects, consult your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • 16.90


    sulfur 4 CH - sulfur 10 CH - vincetoxicum 6 CH - vincetoxicum 10 CH - vincetoxicum 30 CH

    Cod: 049935024 - Drops

    Gocce idroalcoliche per mucosa orale.
    50 mL di soluzione contengono 0,5 mL di ciascuna delle sostanze omeopatiche nelle loro diluizioni. Pack size: Flacone da 50 mL
    Drops - warnings

    Tenere fuori dalla vista e dalla portata dei bambini.
    Questo medicinale contiene 30 vol % di etanolo (alcol).
    Non assumere se allergico ad uno qualsiasi dei componenti di questo medicinale.
    Consultare un medico se i sintomi persistono.
    Leggere il foglio illustrativo prima dell’uso.

    Cod: 049935012 - Vials

    Fiale, soluzione fisiologica per mucosa orale.
    Ogni fiala da 2 mL contiene 0,02 mL di ciascuna delle sostanze omeopatiche nelle loro diluizioni.
    Eccipienti: Soluzione fisiologica (0,9% NaCl) Pack size: 20 fiale da 2 mL
    Physiological vials - warnings

    Keep out of the sight and reach of children.
    Do not take if allergic to any of the components of this medicine.
    Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking,
    you have recently taken or might take any other medicines.
    If you get any side effects, contact your doctor or pharmacist.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.

  • 8.50


    allium cepa 6 CH-euphrasia officinalis 6 CH-luffa operculata 2 CH
    schoenocaulon officinale 6 CH

    Cod: 800591620 - Spray

    Spray for nasal mucosa
    100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium chloride, purified water, sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate Pack size: 20 mL bottle
    Spray - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 10.00


    acidum boricum 5 DH - acidum salycilicum 5 DH - apis mellifica 6 DH
    argentum colloidale 10 DH - arnica montana 6 DH - aspergillus niger 24 DH
    aspergillus niger 28 DH - aspergillus niger 30 DH - calendula officinalis 4 DH
    cuprum gluconicum 4 DH - dotto auricolare ext. 6 DH - echinacea angustifolia 6 DH
    graphites 15 DH - juglans regia 4 DH - manganum aceticum 5 DH
    psorinum 6 DH - psorinum 10 DH - psorinum 30 DH
    pyodermite 6 DH - pyodermite 10 DH - pyodermite 30 DH - sulfur 10 DH
    tellurium metallicum 10 DH

    Cod: 800870255 - Drops

    Drops for oral mucosa.
    100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: sodium methyl paraoxybenzoate, purified water. Pack size: 50 ml bottle with dropper pipette
    Drops - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 16.90


    graphites 6 CH - hamamelis virginiana 4 CH - nitricum acidum 6 CH - nux vomica 4 CH
    paeonia officinalis 4 CH - sulfur 4 CH

    Cod: 800590097 - Capsules

    Hard capsules. 60 x 160 mg capsules in blister pack.
    1 x 160 mg capsule contains each of the homeopathic substances in their dilution.
    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, sucrose.
    Vegetable capsule of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Pack size: 60 x 160 mg hard capsules in blister pack
    Capsules - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 16.90


    aconitum napellus 4 CH - bryonia 4 CH - eupatorium perfoliatum 4 CH
    lachesis mutus 12 CH - phosphorus 4 CH

    Cod: 881506226 - Capsules

    Hard capsules. 60 x 160 mg capsules in blister pack.
    1 x 160 mg capsule contains each of the homeopathic substances in their dilution.
    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, sucrose.
    Vegetable capsule of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Pack size: 60 x 160 mg hard capsules in blister pack
    Capsules - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored

  • 16.90


    argentum nitricum 10 CH - argentum nitricum 30 CH - argentum nitricum 200 CH
    paris quadrifolia 6 CH - paris quadrifolia 10 CH - paris quadrifolia 30 CH
    paris quadrifolia 200 CH - phosphorus 10 CH - phosphorus 30 CH - phosphorus 200 CH

    Cod: 800590186 - Drops

    Hydroalcoholic drops for oral mucosa. 50 mL bottle. 100 mL of solution contains 1 mL of each of the homeopathic substances in their dilutions.
    Excipients: 96% ethanol, purified water (30% vol.) Pack size: 50 mL bottle
    Drops - warnings

    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children

  • 16.90


    apis mellifica 4 CH - arnica montana 4 CH - belladonna 4 CH - hepar sulfur 6 CH
    mercurius cyanatus 6 CH - phytolacca decandra 4 CH - solanum dulcamara 4 CH

    Cod: 881506238 - Capsules

    Hard capsules. 60 x 160 mg capsules in blister pack.
    1 x 160 mg capsule contains each of the homeopathic substances in their dilution.
    Excipients: lactose monohydrate, sucrose.
    Vegetable capsule of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose. Pack size: 60 x 160 mg hard capsules in blister pack
    Capsules - warnings

    Do not use the medicine after the expiry date indicated.
    The product does not require special storage conditions.
    Consult a doctor if symptoms persist.
    Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
    The expiry date refers to the product being packaged
    intact and correctly stored